• A description of the use case, use-case scenario, test objective, or condition being evaluated has been clearly stated for each test case.
    • Each test case states the expected result and method of evaluating the result.
    • For each requirement for test, at least two test cases have been identified. One test case, representing an expected condition, is developed to verify the correct or expected behavior (positive test). A second test case, representing an unacceptable, abnormal, or unexpected condition, is developed to verify the requirement for test does not execute in an unexpected manner (negative test). Typically, for each requirement for test there will be at least one positive test case and many negative test cases.
    • Test cases have been identified to execute all product requirement behaviors in the target-of-test, including (as appropriate):
      • function
      • data validation
      • business rules implementation
      • target-of-test workflow or control
      • dataflow
      • object state
      • performance (including workload, configuration, and stress)
      • security / accessibility
      • compliance
    • Each test case describes / represents a unique set of inputs or sequence of events that results in a unique behavior by the target-of-test. Review those test cases that produce the same behavior and determine if they are equivalent, that is, they both execute the path in the target-of-test.
    • Each test case (or group of related test cases) identifies the initial target-of-test state and the state of the test data.
    • All test case names and / or IDs are consistent with the test artifact naming convention.

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